Cover Y'r Assets

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Hiking Encourages Self-discovery

Hiking is self-discovery. 

Self-discovery—well, what does that really mean? For some of us, it has to do with our physicality—what we can do with our bodies; for others, it is our work or what we can share with others; and then there is the self-discovery of our very souls, our very essence. There are many ways, things, and opportunities to come to some conclusions about discovering ourselves. Books, videos, and workshops—for me, one of the easiest and most enjoyable is to put on my shoes or boots, grab a bottle of water, and head outdoors. I am so lucky. In Tallahassee, we have somewhere around 700 miles of trails, so I never have to think very hard about where I might want to go. There are flat trails, hilly trails, sandy trails, and trails by the ocean, rivers, or lakes. Trails that are 7 minutes from the house and that run anywhere from 3 miles to 15 miles. So, what does that mean for self-discovery? If I’m having a day that is far from fun, I can head outside and walk in nature. This, if not immediately after I have started, allows me to leave whatever has been on my mind at the trailhead and just experience the sights and sounds, the feel of the breeze, or the sun with its dappled rays reaching through the trees. I can just breathe and step. For me, this is a moment and an opportunity to just feel myself. I am no longer just a wife, entrepreneur, mother; I am now a hiker! Whether I am going to walk 1 mile or 12 miles, I have changed my persona. I am now me, Morgan Patterson. I will rely on my feet and my legs to take me up or down, over the downed logs, or to the top of a bridge in the treetops, down the muddy slope towards the lake. I will and can rely on my skills and my senses to keep me safe, along with enjoying the forest-bathing, fresh air, and all the amazing things, including people I may come across. This is my daily ritual; this is something that, even as I age, since I do find myself 69, I can continue to do, so giving it up is not an option. My husband, Gregg, and I will continue to seek out new places wherever we find ourselves. Whether we are in the US or, since Gregg is such an avid traveler, finding amazing places to go overseas, This is where we both feel the most alive; my heart may be pounding, my feet may be crunching, and along the path, my legs may be calling out for a rest, yet my soul is soaring with the raptors I may hear overhead. Thanks to walking the Camino de Santiago almost ten years ago, hiking has made me feel ageless and free. I hope every woman gets to experience this feeling of freedom, strength, and resilience, as well as the gift of self-discovery, at least once in her lifetime. Cover )( Y’r Assets, was created as a discovery of what women have to help them feel secure and confident in their outdoor excursions. Thanks again to the Camino de Santiago for allowing me to find this vision and the courage and determination to see it come to life. I hope you will keep tying on your shoes, heading outdoors, and finding yourself!