Hiking is an opportunity to try new things

Hiking is an opportunity to try new things.

Have you ever wondered about doing something you have never done before?  You know that new recipe or cooking at all.  What about kayaking or hiking alone? Starting a business when you’ve spent your whole life working for someone else? I know there have been many times when I asked myself why. But do you know what the really important question is? It isn’t why; the most important question is why not?

It is as simple and as difficult as that. Turning 60 was my major turning point. I decided that I was going to walk the 500-mile Camino de Santiago. Do you know the hike I mean?  Ten years ago, it was an interesting thing to do, now it seems that it’s the thing to do. I started hiking around Tallahassee, FL.  I don’t know if you know anything about north Florida, but it is pretty flat.  Well at least compared to farther north.  When I moved from south Florida, the largest thing I had ever experienced was a drawbridge so the sailboats could get through the rivers. So even Tallahassee seemed like huge hills to me.  The first time I drove north from Fort Lauderdale, I was afraid I would fly off the road, coming over the slight rises around Orlando.  Boy, did I have a lot to learn.  So, hiking 12 miles one week and 3-4 miles another didn’t really prepare me for the 14-20 mile days every day in Spain. I had people betting I wouldn’t finish two weeks.  Luckily, I didn’t know about that until after the two weeks were long gone.  I injured my toe and couldn’t wear boots, so I finished 250 miles in Teva sandals and wool socks.  So why? Well, really, why not? I have walked on fire 5-6 times. Why? Why not? I walked across Scotland and headed to England; why not?  Now, at 69, I have started a business.  A women’s adventure outdoor clothing design.  Have I ever designed clothing? No.  Have I ever marketed or manufactured anything? No. Have I ever started or run my own business?  No.  But heck, why not?  So today, after about a year and a half, I have a business.  I just got my first skorts in at the end of the year, so marketing is my new Why Not! 

The best part of my wildness and willingness are the women who have decided to join me. Those who are willing to help me learn and teach themselves what we are all capable of doing.  Each challenge has meant that there were others who were “in” my challenge. It is wonderful knowing that you are inspiring others to do things they would have never done. I took the idea for this blog from a woman named Denise Ellison. She said her daughter made her a t-shirt that says. “That sounds like a horrible idea. What time do we start?” What a great idea. 

Know that you too can decide instead of stopping with why to move right on to why not?

Hiking over 50, Women hiking, Camino de Santiago,  Camino 2024, outdoor women

Hiking proves there’s no such thing as too old!

