Blog One
It all begins with an idea.
Sisters, sisters that choose the outdoors, that choose courageous over comfort. That choose to walk a life of beauty and freedom. That choose alone time and yet are filled with the spirit of community of likeminded women. This blog is for you. To share our ideas and beliefs, to share the how to’s and the how nots. It is a place to grow more and more comfortable not only within us, but in the world, in the wilds of nature or walking down the sidewalks of a city. Let us choose to feel safe, confident, secure, and free as we live our journeys, whether solo or in groups.
I would love this blog to be about what women want. Let’s talk and grow as we walk together to create a community of audacious women, strong ass women, women who are determined to create a better world for the next seven generations. Women who are proud to read, write for, and share their wisdom with families, friends and maybe even people they have not yet met.
I want to know, and need to know what you need in this time we share together.
Facts, fiction, fantasy or all of the above? How to’s, what to’s, where to’s? You tell me, share with me and you will see it here. Things that touch your heart as well as comfort your mind, as you ready yourself for a trip. A trip of hundreds of miles or just around the block. What do you want and need?
It may be different in January in Florida than it is in December in Washington. It may be different for me a 68-year-old Latino mix grandmother of 6, than for you a twenty-year-old single student or a mother of a fur baby. I want to listen to your needs and spend the time helping you find answers.
This blog, this website, has come from my needs, and I believe the needs of women who find themselves outside with no bathroom, maybe no cover and a need to answer natures call. When I got the idea to create Cover )( Yer Assets, at first it seemed like just a convenient piece of clothing, yet the more people I talked with, men and women, the more I wear it I’ve recognized that it offers so much more than the ability to pee on a trail. It offers the feelings of comfort and security, of confidence and freedom. We no longer have to wait till there is a perfect bush, or the road is clear. We can easily and with complete assurance, that we are covered, answer natures call. The freedom that men have had their whole lives is now ours. It seems so funny but it really is an important opportunity for women to feel comfortable in their skin and in the outdoors. I’m talking about peeing outside. I remember when my husband and I moved into town after living in the country most of our married lives. His biggest worry was “how am I going to pee outside?” Well, we women, at least those of us who are called to be outdoors have long held that same desire. All of us have had to become immune to feeling bad about answering that call. Well, no more. If we choose to be outside and stay covered, we’ve got you. Comfort, confidence and convenience, safety, and security. No more wondering if someone is coming or if you can get your pants up in time. No more wet pants or muddy shorts.
Let’s make this site more than a place to buy some great clothes. Let’s make it a community of likeminded women, coming together to save ourselves and our planet.
Tell me how I can help? Blessings. Nature is calling and I must go! A skort for women on the go! Hope to hear from you soon.